meeting the legend.

Actually he is supposed to be super to super Senior because we belong to same design institute called NID @ Ahmedabad. But, I directectly don't know him. one of my office team mate was in touch with one of our super seniors Prakash Moorthy:
He has worked with him on Sesame Street project Miditech, Delhi. He got a call about some photoshop work, when we encountered the person it was Orijit

Orijit studied graphic design at the National Institute of Design. He has worked on several exhibition and museum design projects in India, the UK and Russia. He also works as a freelance graphic designer, comics creator and illustrator in addition to functioning as the Creative Director of People Tree, which he co-founded with wife Gurpreet in 1990. His published works include The River of Stories, Imung and the award-winning collaboration Trash!.

you can check out his official profile on his official site:


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