Quotes from Osho with calendar photographs.

1. One
Take risks, be a gambler - what can you lose? We come with empty hands, we go with empty hands. There is nothing to lose.
2. Two
You have to remember that freedom is the highest value and if love is not giving you freedom then it is not love.
3. Three
Truth knows no fifty-fifty, it has to be a hundred percent pure, otherwise it is worse than a lie.
4. Four
When a person comes to me he is corning to die he is coming to dissolve. I will be an abyss to him a bottomless abyss in which he will fall and fall and fall and reach nowhere.
5. Five
There is no need to know where you are going. There is no need to know why you are going. All that is needed to be known is that you are going joyously, because if you are going joyously you can not go wrong.
6. Six
In this World you are not here to fulfil anybody's expectations. The one responsibility is to become yourself to realize who you are.
7. Seven
Remember, we are always in the hands of death, so don't postpone the essential. Postpone the non essencial.The essencial has to be done now.
8. Eight
A life is such that is never complete. A thousand and one things are always incomplete. If death were to wait for you to complete your things, nobody would have ever died.
9. Nine
Those who know, they have come to know that the reality cannot be changed and the only thing that can be changed is oneself. And if one changes suddenly one can see this is the wall and that is the door. Then there is no effort to pass through the wall, one moves through the door. Reality becomes a friend.
10. Ten 
If everybody learns this simple art of loving his work, whatever it is enjoying it without asking for recognition, we would have a more beautiful and celebrating World.

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These quotes and photographs are taken from an old calendar. I was rearranging some of the documents and papers and found this partially torn calendar. The words really resonated with me and quality of photographs seemed rare so I clicked photos via my phone and restored the image quality by tweaking the parameters. I hope this will be useful to others.

If any of you find it helpful, please leave a comment of appriciation.


Anilkumarsagar said…
अति सुन्दर जानकारी. अनिल कुमार सागर, वरिष्ठ लेखक- स्वतंत्र पत्रकार, चंदौसी-244412,उत्तर प्रदेश, भारत.
बहुत बहुत धन्यावाद!
पर आपका मैटर बहुत ज्यादा है।

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