dribbble's delightful 404 error page

Today I was surprised by dribbble's 404 error page.
They have used this space to their advantage. We have seen cute and amusing
error pages but dribbble's page not just full-fills required need but engages the user, further to explore the content dribbble is known for.... shots.

1- informing user that the link or page you are looking for no longer exists.
2- Not a dull or blank tone.
Invites user to try colour slider and see the shots populated in the form of 404.
if anything catches your fancy you can click the shot thumbnail and directly go to the work. it cut shorts the loading/logging journey for the user who drifted to dribbble site by chance.
some people might be in need of specific result... so they have given a text search bar.
hmm.. delighted by design!
created a GIF to show how it works
try this link: https://dribbble.com/shots/3856128-1/attachments/874023
UPDATE: Hi people, the link above only seem to work on Desktop/Laptop so try it there.... hope this helps.   


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