
Showing posts from May, 2009

कथा क्रम हिन्दी साहित्य की एक तिमाही पत्रिका

link to their website: http://www। कथा क्रम वास्तव में एक पढ़ने योग्य पत्रिका है। मैं कोई समीक्षक नहीं हूँ पर अगर आप हिन्दी साहित्य का असली स्वाद लेना चाहते है तो एक बार नामुनार्थ खरीद कर सकते हैं । वैसे में हिन्दी के पुराने रचनाकारों को राजकमल प्रकाशन से खरीद कर पढता रहा हूँ और मुझे नई हिन्दी कथा का अति यतार्थ वाद रास नहीं आता । पुराने समय की कहानी और उपन्यास पढने में कितने रोचक होते थे। वो रोचकता मुझे नये लेखको की रचनाओ में नहीं लगती। शायद , हिन्दी का लोकप्रिय रूप अब केवल हिन्दी सिनेमा तक सीमित हो गया है। हिन्दी की अधिकतर पत्रिकाएँ बंद हो चुकी हैं। हिन्दी के रचियता अपने पाठक को बाँध कर नहीं रख सके। या वो बहुत आदर्शवादी हो गये। पाठक रोचक एवम मनोरंजक कहानी चाहता है ना की आप का ज्ञान। खैर, जाने दीजिये। इस पत्रिका में भी आप को कई बोझिल आलेख और कहानियाँ मिलेंगी पर कुछ ना से कुछ भला। और आप को वर्तमान के हिन्दी साहित्य के स्वरूप का भी पता लगा रहेगा।

Voting India

There has been a huge media awareness campaign in this Loksabha Election. Times of India was extensively taking the cause forward so was TV media and Bollywood. there were web pop ups and viral films. Delhi Government had a public print campaign running in all the news papers. FM radios were making spoofs and adding spice in this election. Even after such a great media buzz voting percentage has been average. 3 phases of voting have gone and the 4th and last one is going to take place on this month 13th. I have seen many advertisements in today's newspaper some stores are giving discounts to the people who voted, it is a welcome gesture. Even after so much of hype n cut offs given to masses why we don't have 90-100% voting? pictures taken from recent news items using google image search. I was having a casual discussion in this regard with my friend Sharad. We were just thinking why after all this we didn't vote in great numbers? may be we have a very rigid and medieval wa...

Don't just vote

"Don't just vote" is a viral short done in stop motion animation technique. it falls in the recent trend where every one is trying to make masses aware to the power of their vote. I am not sure how these viral films really motivate people to vote? yes, I agree it has good entertainment value. Link: In this particular film they have played safe and not commenting directly on any specific political figure. but it some way capture certain flavor of Indian Election. Times of India's fun campaign "Bleed India " try's to do the same thing. the only difference is they are playing with one character 'Pappu' here you have a set of 4-5 characters. So are you going to vote this time? if yes then no problem if not then watch another viral link: if you don't vote a lot more viral coming your way may be swine flu as well.