
Showing posts from 2022

बृजघाट - गढ़मुक्तेश्वर वाले गुरू जी को समर्पित

बृजघाट वाले गुरू जी से हमारा परिचय मंयक चौधरी के परिवार ने कराया था। हमारी कई समस्याओं का निदान उनके स्वभाविक अध्यात्मिक सलाह व आशीर्वाद से हुआ। तब से उनके प्रति हमारी श्रद्धा व विश्वास चला आ रहा है। अब गुरू जी पूर्ण समाधि में विलीन हो चुके हैं। उनको श्रद्धांजली स्वरूप यह रेखाचित्र बनाया था। आज जाके एक ब्लॉग पोस्ट के रूप में शेयर करने का मन हुआ। बृजघाट वाले गुरू जी का मेरे द्वारा बनाया गया रेखाचित्र अनन्त स्वर्गीय श्री विभूषित ओंकार पीठाधीश राजेश्वर दण्डी स्वामीजी गढ़मुक्तेश्वर, ब्रजघाट, गाजियाबाद(उ.प्र.) इसी बीच में अपने गृह नगर चन्दौसी में अपने कागज़ात समेट रहा था तब मुझे चन्द्रप्रकाश यादव जी की लिखी एक पुस्तक:  गुरू गीता  मिली मन हुआ इतनी सुन्दर पुस्तक और उसके रचयिता के बारे में भी शेयर किया जाए। प्रस्तुत है इसी पुस्तक और रचयिता के बारे में जानकारी। पुस्तक का मुखपृष्ठ गुरू गीता पुस्तक का मुखपृष्ठ पुस्तक का शीर्षक:  गुरु- गीता  जितलंग मेरे गुरु बसें उतकी चलियौ व्यार। गुरुहि लागि हमकूँ लगे है जाइ बेड़ा पार ।।  चन्द्रप्रकाश यादव 'चन्द' •••••●••••• प्रस्तुत हैं इस पुस्तक: गुरू ...

by gone era cellular phone of Sony Ericsson

There was a time much before the touch phone iOS and android Sony Ericsson cellular phones were considered premium cell phones and bare minimum features used to feel like ground breaking. While sifting through our hometown old house stuff I found a advertising brochure of Sony Ericsson cellular phones. Here are some photos and details from a by gone era brochure of Sony Ericsson cellular phone. cover page of the brochure details of the phone models front side full spread of the brochure details given in the last leaflet of the brochure

Vintage name stickers from Tinkle Magazine

I found 2 vintage name stickers from Tinkle Magazine while sifting my old papers. I was wondering what to do with these stickers? Discard it or keep it! I could not make up my mind due to it's interesting graphic quality... So I clicked some mobile phone photographs.  Then given it to my elder brother's kids. They liked it but not really that thrilled. New age kids have moved on to name stickers based on TV cartoon shows and android mobile games. In our childhood days Tinkle comics or we can say fully illustrated magazine was considered into a top class kids magazine.  vintage name stickers from Tinkle Magazine Parents and teachers didn't object to this particular comics magazine because it carried high quality content with the objective of kids development. Penguin sticker from Tinkle Pelican sticker from Tinkle These illustrations seem to be drawn by Pradeep Sathe one of the celebrated illustrator and comics artists from ACK camp. *ACK (Amar Chitra Katha) ...

Quotes from Osho with calendar photographs.

1. One Take risks, be a gambler - what can you lose? We come with empty hands, we go with empty hands. There is nothing to lose. 2. Two You have to remember that freedom is the highest value and if love is not giving you freedom then it is not love. 3. Three Truth knows no fifty-fifty, it has to be a hundred percent pure, otherwise it is worse than a lie. 4. Four When a person comes to me he is corning to die he is coming to dissolve. I will be an abyss to him a bottomless abyss in which he will fall and fall and fall and reach nowhere. 5. Five There is no need to know where you are going. There is no need to know why you are going. All that is needed to be known is that you are going joyously, because if you are going joyously you can not go wrong. 6. Six In this World you are not here to fulfil anybody's expectations. The one responsibility is to become yourself to realize who you are. 7. Seven Re...