Spiritualist artist "Augustin Lesage"

about a month back I happened to see some animated interpretation of  Augustin Lesage work directed by Max Hattler on vimeo.com my link source was motionographer.com
I liked the videos and it created a curiosity in me to know more about this artist called Augustin Lesage. why people were making animation on this fellow's work? what is so special about his work? 
I googled about the artist and got a blog post link which has a good amount of information about Augustin Lesage.
actually, this post was on emily ann pothast [she, herself is a visual artist, musician, and writer based in Seattle, Washington.(http://www.emilypothast.com/bio.html)] 's blog called Translinguistic Other (http://emilypothast.wordpress.com/)
Augustin Lesage was coal mine laborer and turned into an artist in 1911 at 35 on hearing the underground voice. his life surrounds with Spiritualist circles and faith healing. an intriguing life story, you can read the full version on Emily's blog:
what I am more interested here in this post is how you turn an abstract spiritual still painting into motion keeping it's soul intact. a tough task to handle! well done Max !!

Augustin Lesage at work

here are the videos of animation loops directed by Max Hattler, inspired by the work  Augustin Lesage.
A symbolic Composition of the Spiritual World' from 1923 and 1925.


Disclaimer: All the character images/videos shown here belong to respected owners and shared here for appreciation purpose.

Related stuff on Amazon.com
Bells for Augustin Lesage


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