
Showing posts from November, 2009

3D comics covers

I remember, in my school days when comics were a rage among kids. local brands like Diamond comics, Manoj comics and Raj comics published 6-8 titles every month which used to be called a set. there were our regular book corners which used to rent it out on 25 or 50 paise per comic book. they sometimes came up with special issue which were publicized as 3D comics. these comics were packed in a fancy wrapping and were provided with a spectacles which had red and blue coloured lenses. It never became popular but had a novelty value to it recently, I visited raj comics website. they had changed it's layout and improved it visually. there, I found some links to 3D comics download. 3D comic covers on Raj comics website

'Ninja Assassin' Trailer

A young ninja leaves his clan, which he was a part of since birth, leading to a conflict between him and his former allies. from the makers of MATRIX, must see the action.

character and elements drawing in flash

there are many ways to go about drawing character and elements in flash, I prefer drawing it on paper first and then plan it according to the vector requirements.

राजकमल प्रकाशन की वेबसाइट और ऑनलाइन स्टोर

१२ के बाद मेरा सेलेक्सन डिजाईन इंस्टिट्यूट में हो गया में खुश था लेकिन मेरी पढ़ाई हिन्दी माध्यम से होने के कारण मुझे वहाँ के अंग्रेजी लेक्ट्चेर समझने में दिक्कत आती थी। सीरियस रीडिंग की तो बात बहुत दूर की थी। तब मेरी टीचर ने कहा बात अंग्रेजी या हिन्दी की नही है । बात पढने की है तुम हिन्दी में ही अच्छी किताबें पढो। तब उन्होंने कुछ नाम सुझाए । फ़िर मैंने पढ़ना शुरू कर दिया। और मुझे राजकमल प्रकाशन की किताबें बहुत स्तरीय लगीं । और इनके पास लगभग सभी प्रसिद्द लेखको का प्रकाशित साहित्य है । जैसी आज की स्थिति है उसमे हिन्दी की स्तरीय किताबें आसनी से नहीं मिलती हैं । अगर मिलती भी हैं तो आप के पास चुनने की लिए ज्यादा च्वायस नहीं होती । मैं कुछ दिनों पहले अपने छोटे भाई ललित से बात कर रहा था उसने बताया की लखनऊ में राष्ट्रीय पुस्तक मेला लगा है। तब, उसने पूछा क्या आप को कोई किताब मंगवानी है । मैंने इन्टरनेट पर हिन्दी किताबो की लिस्ट सर्च करने के लिए कुछ शब्द गूगल में टाइप किए, तब मुझे राजकमल प्रकाशन की वेबसाइट और ऑनलाइन स्टोर का लिंक मिला। मुझे बहुत अच्छा लगा अब में अपनी पसंद की किताब स...

film script writing (available variety of format and software)

I was ignorant about the modern scenario of film script writing in the industry, and there was still the chance! if, there would not have been a need for me to read how people go about writing scripts for film and TV. During my internet search, I came across something called movie script writing software . I don't know how it works but there is a variety of software available. may be they help you to draft and format your script according to industry norms, I shall find out more after using a demo version. till then you can directly visit links given here: http://www.scriptware .com/

some visual and reading material on History of Animation

Most of the time we don't give too much thought about how animation reached to the point where it is now. We are so engrossed in present variety of animation which is available for viewing. Any way, here is some visual and reading material on History Of Animation. here is a blog about animation history: History of Animation videos by: Aaron Hodgins Davis on youtube. probably there are many more here are 3 of them:

3D Projection on buildings

3D Projection on buildings is the communication tool of 2009, and it has an amazing impact. read more about it on nu former site: Projection on Buildings from NuFormer Digital Media on Vimeo .

Regional Animation:new wave in Indian animation scene

a new wave in Indian animation scene is catching the trend which working on niche regional stories for a particular audience. it is good! Keibu keioiba(or Tiger Head) : a 90 minute feature . The film is based on a Manipuri folktale and is independently financed by the studio. Makokmedia, a Pune based animation studio. see the news article: Maruppacha: Kerala based animation studio Carrot Creations recently released its first animation feature, a 45 min Malayalam 2D/3D animation film title ‘Maruppacha’ on VCD. see the news article:

Menace of MNS aka Raj Thackeray

Menace of MNS continues. we all have opinions and a lot has already been said about this. I am no commentator but I like Ajit Ninan's cartoon in today's Times of India. It says it all. only time will tell, if petty politics will go on longer.

Nikon-S1000pj : a camera with a projector

Nikon unveil ed its new digital camera "S1000pj" which has a built in projector. It looks cool to me. it is priced at Rs. 28,950/- in India

TOTA DESIGN : good intenion and real world

I don't know, where is this bunch of people? their site not been updated for long. they started a group based on mutual interest and need. but some ventures start and perish the intentions were good but real world is harsh which can crush bohemian dreams. individual growth starts taking upper place then groups get separated. anyway, I liked their very simple tota drawings on the web front. .......

story board to quick flash animation

sometimes one needs to do quick fun work just to get refreshed. here is such an e-card which we(sharad n me) did late night stay @ office as a sample . here is the animated clip:

Tick Tackler: visual look n feel for online game

This is one of the many visual design projects for online games done at emantras media labs, Gurgaon. ( ) Working for game design is not very distant from animation film making. It also has characters, background, layout, story and motion. Only thing is it doesn’t follow a very restricted liner sequence and sometimes might defy certain cinematic fundamentals.

abduzeedo: A blog of Graphic Design Inspiration and Photoshop Tutorials

here is a blog of Graphic Design Inspiration and Photoshop Tutorials. which has a good supply of daily visual food. I loved it. Here is the link, check this out:

Stop Motion Animation : the software side

there are many options available for capturing stop motion Animation here are 2 software which are becoming industry norms