'dream bites' (an animated short) story board.
PROPOSAL AND DETAILS FOR AN ANIMATED SHORT INTENT STATEMENT This film, through a narrative is trying to explore a few feelings which we experience all our life. Those are Jealousy and friendship. It’s a kind of JATAK KATHA set in modern premise. AUDIENCE The animated short is mainly meant for kids, but suitable for everyone. CHALLENGES Dealing with pure feeling of our! day to day life. DURATION This animated film will not be more than two minutes SPONSOR I need a sponsor. TITLE Dream bites STORYLINE It’s about a peacock that is really jealous of the cat which roams around the student canteen and because of her peaceful nature gets everyone's affection. This peacock baby is sort of having crush on a beautiful dame, who is an animal lover. Peacock can't tolerate when she loves and caress this cat. So he tries out stunt to impress her. Another thing, this peacock is instinctively having hatred for this cat, though; cat hasn't done anything to him. In fact she tries to make fr...